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Powerless To Powerful - My Story

Writer's picture: Klaude  FurlongKlaude Furlong

Some might say I’ve had a bit of a “tragedy-driven” life story for most of my life.

From a difficult childhood with an alcoholic father who embedded fear, lack, unworthiness, and distrust deep in my child heart to going through multiple failed marriages, the loss of my brother to suicide, a bout with cancer and too many career moves that placed me straight into the #Metoo scenarios more times than I care to admit, life has given me many reasons to fail but I chose not to.

To the outside world though, I seemed invincible. People loved my enthusiasm, my positive attitude, and my relentless approach to seeing the glass half full…

but for many years, that was just a show. A “fake it till you make it” show. I seemed together on the outside as I was disintegrating on the inside. Riddled by fear, anxiety, unsurmountable amounts of stress and deep depression at times, I would use procrastination to sabotage my success.

Until the day it all came crashing down on me.

The jig was up, and I could no longer keep up the masks that I interchangeably used depending on who I was with and what I was doing. I had no idea who I was anymore.

What I did realize though was that I was constantly sabotaging myself, my relationships, my projects, etc…through procrastination and fear of failing. I would start every project with a manic bout of energy only to completely shut down just before it would get to the end. This would leave me feeling defeated, gutted and seriously disappointed in myself and taking permanent residence in victimhood.

I was inundated with limiting beliefs that were collected along the path of my life and my suitcase was full to the brim, it was completely weighing me down and keeping me from accomplishing the things I wanted to. But what could I do?

I couldn’t live like this anymore. I had to find a way to shed these layers of me that weren’t really me and find a way to my true self, my most authentic self, the one I was before life and all its actors imprinted their fears and stories onto me. The one that kept tugging at me to come out.

Embarking On My Journey To Self-Discovery

I began the long journey towards developing self-awareness about who I was and what I was about. I found ways to decondition myself of all those limiting beliefs and recondition my mind using visualization, affirmations, and powerful mantras.

I spent more than 15 years on this journey of self-discovery and healing.

After a while, I started formulating a customized approach to all my new projects. One that would help me develop and organize the idea, research the opportunities, create an action plan and move me all the way through to execution and successful completion of my goal.


The first time I used it and successfully achieved my goal, I thought it might be a fluke and that I had just gotten lucky. So, I kept using the same formula. It was way too simple to be true, I thought, but it ended up working every single time. I started collecting these tiny wins along the way with every successful project which in turn had the effect of boosting my self-confidence to levels I had never imagined I could get to.

When applying the tools, strategies, and formula that I had created for myself, I truly felt limitless. I no longer had any barriers to whatever opportunity showed up in my life. The first thoughts were no longer “Oh my God, I can’t!”. Now, my first thoughts were “Sure, let me see how we can do this!”.

I had moved from Powerless to Powerful and I was never going back.

This is when I launched my coaching business, so that I could help other women go from powerless to powerful. I started teaching them the power of self-awareness, helped them organize their goals using my formula and gave them access to certain tools I used to dissolve my fears and my limiting beliefs that were causing me to procrastinate and not get my goals all the way to the finish line. And it worked!

I am now working on a new book that will encapsulate my formula for success and will create an online course for it as well for those who want to do what I did and change their success outcome. The course, which contains the “formula”, the tools and everything you need to get any goal you have from A to Z will include templates, worksheets, strategies and weekly coaching to help you achieve your goals. Until it’s ready, I offer 1:1 and group coaching to help women learn how to get any goal over the finish line successfully without the stress and overwhelm.

Do you have a goal you’ve been secretly desiring to accomplish but have been totally procrastinating in achieving? I can help you get that goal over the finish line and leave you feeling limitless and powerful in the end. Let me help you, I know the way.

In 2007, I left behind a life that was killing me slowly in order to pursue my passions and the things that fueled my energy field. When you decide to follow your passion, you are finally in synch with your most authentic self and the your entire being exists at the highest vibration level. Your immune system gets stronger, your joy increases and your sense of purpose becomes omnipresent.

Today, my life is filled with stories of accomplishment, successful experiences and just pure joy. The world outside didn't change, it actually became way scarier in time. The difference was within me. My core had become solid. Its foundation was impenetrable and the discipline I had to cultivate positivity in my life was incredibly strong.

If you're interested in reading my memoir where I go into detail on the challenges I've overcome and how I not only survived but thrived, click here to be taken to the Amazon purchase page.

Some of the links in this article may be affiliate links, which can provide compensation to me at no cost to you if you decide to purchase a paid plan. These are products I’ve personally used and stand behind. You can read my affiliate disclosure in my privacy policy.


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